Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The One with the Perm

This week in a nutshell:

we taught an atheist
my companion got a perm
the weather is turning perfect
our investigators are wishywashy
I realized that I'm not too good with split second decisions (which may have involved cars honking at me in the middle of the road and wet cement)

STORY TIME: so we were knocking on doors a couple Sundays ago and ended up talking to a mom who is Espírita and her son and they were cool and said we could come back. Anyways, the next day (last Monday), we were in the chapel for Super Pday and this girl entered and asked for "who was responsible" hahah I'd hardly call myself the responsible one but I went and talked to her and it turns out she was the daughter of the woman we had talked to the day earlier and she told us that she wanted to learn more about The Book of Mormon and the church and we were like ??????SERIOUS?????? and super excited. So we went back a few days later and taught them and basically there's her (her name is Yasmine), her mom who is Espírita, and her dad who is Catholic and it was a SUPER awesome lesson. Seriously, the Spirit was so strong and testified or everything we taught. They all accepted the invitation to be baptized and we invited them to church. So yesterday, we walk into church and they're already there!!! and feeling super welcome!!! and Yasmine is super super elect and I'm PUMPED to teach her.

Also, I finished being trained!! Which means that 1) I'm not a novinha anymore 2) Sister German got transfered! She was super tight and I miss her but I'm super super excited for my new companion. I haven't met her yet but I heard she's rad and that this'll be her last transfer so I'll be "killing" her! (missionary talk for being your companion's last companion of the mission)

Other stuff:
So we found a super open minded atheist and we taught him and he was super rad and had lots of potential but then he kind of went off the map like all our other investigators hahaha
Natália and Jorge haven't come to church in a while and we're deciding if we should continue teaching them and I love them but we can't continue to teach them if they're not doing they're part in this process yunno?
I have recently developed a super strong interest in the Bible and I have made it my goal to finish it by the end of my mission (lol hope this works out)

It was a good week! I hope you all have a good one coming up :) Thanks for all the support and love and prayers. 

Todo o meu amor,
Sister Morata

Sister German saying goodbye to the girls in the ward
Yasmine and her dad in church! 
RAIN RAIN RAIN this week
haha our investigator gave us towels because we were dripping wet
view from our apartamento
the trunkiest zone there ever was

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