Wednesday, January 10, 2018

anotha one

Alright okay so semana 6 of the transfer is usually the longest or the shortest or the craziest week of the transfer and this past week has been all 3 and has included 
a couple of sister missionaries running around in the rain at night without umbrella or apartment keys or cell phone trying to find somebody who could call the other sisters to bring the apartment keys hahaha. 

but I'm super excited to start this new transfer because we are going to find some awesome people to teach!!! I've got a new companion, Sister Oliveira, and she's great and it's her last transfer and I'm killing another one but I'm excited! We've got a ton of cool stuff/lessons planned this week and I'm excited. 

Spiritual thought of the week: So lately I've been thinking a lot about how Satan gets to us, gets us to weaken our faith and not want to keep going. And after a lot of scripture/general conference talk reading and studying, the remedy that I discovered is nothing different than what I was taught as a kid, the basic recipe that you hear all the time:

read the scriptures
go to church
pray daily

because these are the concrete building blocks, the small and simple things, that make up our testimony and bedrock our faith in Christ. Satan tries to get us in these things - to skip a prayer or not come to church - because he knows that when we don't do these things, it's fatal. We lose our grip and our faith. So my invitation is to keep praying every day, read a couple of verses (in the Book of Mormon preferrably :), and go to church every week and through these small and simple things, the Lord makes us stronger. We don't realize it, but it happens. 

Life is good in Ribeirão and the weather this past week was all cloudy and cool aka heaven and I hope you all have a great week!!!


todo o meu amor,
Sister Morata

ps. seriously, i'm such a bum with taking pictures SORRY MOM

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