Friday, March 17, 2017

I Can't Tell if I'm Crying or Sweating haha

Oi friends,

This week was SO RAD because we finally moved apartments and have you ever moved apartments in 9174039874 degree weather and 105% humidity and there is no such thing as air conditioning in this city??? Hhahahahahhahahhahahhahah but it's good because our apartment is much more safe now so that's cool. Aaand we're super duper grateful for all the people in the ward that spent a Saturdayafternoon helping the poor missionaries move because hahaha we cannot carry an oven up and down stairs by ourselves.

ANYWAYS, we had a little Christmas miracle in the middle of March yesterday (okay I still think it's January sometimes aka time is passing so fast???)! We got to church and didn't have ANY investigators there and we were just heartbroken and stressed and after the first class we started calling everybody, hoping that somebody would show up by Sacrament meeting (here Sacrament is the last hour of church instead of the first so that's a little different but it's cool) and NOBODY answered and we went to Sunday School and nobody came still so we were heartbroken still. Eventually it was time for Sacrament meeting and we went in and were talking with some ward members and they asked us about Natália and we looked back at her all devastated and said, "She didn't come." And she looked back at us all weird and was like, "Uh, yeah she did. She's over there." AND SHE WAS THERE. Not only that, but she walked to church (and she lives way far) in the heat, with her little baby, just to come to church and oh my goodness Sister German and I nearly cried, it was so awesome.

Other awesome things that happened this week was that we taught Natália's boyfriend! He's not as interested as she is but we hope that he'll be more receptive and they'll realize how much this gospel blesses families. And then after one lesson we had Natália was all, "Oh I have a present for you guys!" and gave us earrings and it was so sweet and I love her so much. 

Also, we found CHURROS RECHEADOS this week aka churros filled with chocolate or doce de leite and YUM ok.

And finally for the spiritual thought: Lately I've been studying the Atonement every day because there is a promise in Pregar Meu Evangelho (pretty much missionary handbook on what to teach/how to teach/how to be a missionary) that, the stronger your testimony is of the Atonement, the stronger your ability to teach and testify of this gospel. So I'm learning that the Atonement is Christ's sacrifice in the Garden of Gethsemane, His death on the cross, and His resurrection; His Atonement overcomes both mortal death and spiritual death/separation from God because of our own mistakes. And as I was reading in True to the Faith (pretty much the church's dictionary for all our gospel terms), it said that, the stronger our testimony is of the Resurrection/overcoming of physical death, the stronger our hope is through difficult times. I am so grateful that Christ, who lived a perfect life, sacrificed that life for us. So that we don't just end after this life. So that we can have hope that we will live again and inherit blessings that we can't even imagine right now.

This gospel is so good. This work is so awesome. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY.

Todo o meu amor,
Sister Morata

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